Fourth Residential District,
Thebes, City
Luxor, Egypt
+2 01000099320

Surgical Oncology Department

Surgery in cancer patient is a specialized area of oncology that engages surgeons in the cure and management of cancer.
Patient diagnosed with tumors require surgical interventions varying from minor procedures such as biopsy to major surgeries treating challenging cases such as breast cancer with all types of oncoplastic reconstruction, GIT tumors, liver primary tumors, bilateral kidney tumors, lung metastatectomies and head and neck tumors.
The management strategy is decided through multi-disciplinary meetings, where all the treating specialties gather to decide on a management plan. These meetings are held once daily and attended by consultant from the departments of medical oncology, surgical oncology, Radio-diagnosis, clinical pathology and Radiotherapy.
Every patient case is discussed individually to decide the treatment approach that would best suit the patient in accordance with international guidelines. This multi modal approach is responsible for achieving the best treatment outcomes.
In addition to complex surgeries, surgeons play important role participating in activities dedicated to cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; and to assume a productive role in cancer research and lead cancer studies. Also, prophylactic surgeries such as colectomy and thyroidectomy.

Scope of services:
Surgical treatment of Breast cancer
Surgical treatment of lung cancer
Surgical treatment of Gastro-intestinal cancer
Surgical treatment of Head and Neck cancer
Surgical treatment of CNS tumors
Surgical treatment of soft tissue and bone sarcomas
Surgical treatment of uro-genital malignancy
Surgical treatment of Gynecological malignancy
Surgical operations and Endoscopy unit
Operation Unit

Being a comprehensive cancer center that offer a high-quality medical service for cancer patients, Surgery is one of the milestones of cancer treatment with a large variety of surgical procedures that need special facility to provide success and safety for the patients and the team.
That’s why we have one of the best operations and endoscopy units in Egypt with unique system to provide high level of safety and quality of surgical and endoscopic services.
The operations unit consists of 4 fully equipped operation rooms with modern devices to facilitate modern updated techniques and less invasive procedures, every operation room has the same equipment (Surgical Table, Light, Anesthesia and ventilation devices, diathermy cautery, Ligature, Harmonic). One of them provides capsule technology that helps OR team to capture and
navigate large amounts of streaming and historical data by capturing all available information.
Pre-operative preparation area with 4 beds capacity is available for proper assessment of the patient before going to the OR, with qualified trained staff to prepare the patient physically and psychologically before the operation. The post-operative recovery area contains 6 beds, every bed associated with Monitors for proper monitoring and assessment after surgery under supervision of Anesthesia and Surgery
Nano knife
Portable ultrasound
Neurosurgery Navigation system
Surgical ultrasonic coagulation /cutting system
Surgical Microscope
Flexible intubation video endoscope
Endoscopy unit
A special unit with 2 well equipped operation rooms with variable types of endoscopic services
to facilitate diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.
1. Upper GI endoscopies
2. Colonoscopies
4. EUS
5. Cystoscopy
6. Ureteroscopy
7. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy
8. Sinocopy
9. Bronchoscopy
10. VATS
11. Mediastinoscopy