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Clinical laboratories


·        The laboratory is equipped with the latest medical devices from the best international companies and the best technique for performing analyzes.

·        The Clinical Pathology Laboratory consists of several different units that are equipped with the latest equipment to cover different laboratory specialties, namely (Hematology Unit - Clinical Chemistry Unit - Immunology Unit - Microbiology Unit - Molecular Genetics Unit - Cytogenetics Unit - Flow Cytometry Unit).

·        send the results automatically on the hospital's system so that clinicians can see them as soon as possible for faster and better service to the patient of Shifa El Orman Hospital.


·        send the results automatically on the hospital's system so that clinicians can see them as soon as possible for faster and better service to the patient of Shifa El Orman Hospital.


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·        The Shifa El Orman Hospital laboratory maintains the accuracy of the results through a comprehensive quality management system, as the internal quality program for analyzes is done daily, and the laboratory participates in external quality programs with an elite group of advanced laboratories that are monitored on a monthly basis.

·        The Shifa El Orman Hospital laboratory is equipped with the highest technology and supported by a computerized work management system to run samples automatically and  with safety.

Scope of services:

Hematology Unit:

This unit is considered one of the main sections of the laboratory and performs tests to estimate blood components such as (complete blood picture - blood fluidity - sedimentation rate) and through the results, various blood diseases and their causes are diagnosed and accordingly determine the treatment plan, such as blood cancers, anemia and infections, as well as detecting any defect in the function of the bone marrow by bone marrow aspirate and biopsy.

Special devices of the unit:

  • Automation Cell Counter analyzers:     

  •  1- Sysmex XN-1000 (7-part Differential)  

  •  2-Beckman coulter DXH 800 (5-part Differential)

  •  3-Beckman coulter DXH 500 (5-part Differential)

  •  4-Sysmex XP 300 (3-part Differential)

  • Automation Coagulation Analyzer:     

  • Sysmex CA 600



Chemistry unit:  


The chemistry unit includes many devices that are used to perform a range of important analyzes, including liver function, kidney function, sugar and fat analysis, as it helps the doctor to follow up the health status before, during and after tumor treatment and surgeries, as well as measuring the percentage of minerals in the blood. In addition to the electrophoresis device for proteins, as it integrates with the hematology unit in the diagnosis of blood diseases.


Special devices of the unit:

  • Automation Chemistry Analyzer:        

  • 1- Siemens Dimension EXL 200

  • 2-Tokyo Boeki Biolis 50i

  • 3-Tokyo Boeki Biolis 24


Automation Electrolytes Analyzers:            

  • 1-Gem 3500

  • 2-Radiometer ABL 800

  • 3-Radiometer ABL 90

  • 4-IMS 972

  • 5-Siemens Rapid Chem 744


Electrophoresis Analyzer: Mini Cap Sebia


Immunology unit:


The unit performs blood tests for tumor markers, viruses and hormones, through which we monitor the response of patients and the suitability of their health status for treatment during the treatment period.

Special devices of the unit:

  • Tumor Marker & Virology and Hormones Analyzers:                  

  •  1-Siemens ADVIA Centaur XPT

  • 2-Siemens BN-Prospec                                                                                                                             

  • 3-Beckman Coulter Access 2

  • 4-Biomerieux Mini Vidas


Microbiological unit:

It diagnoses the causes of bacterial and fungal infections using the latest devices (MALDI-TOF, Biofire) and techniques that depend on molecular biology, ensuring rapid and accurate diagnosis of the microbe, in addition to conducting sensitivity tests to know the appropriate antibiotics for treatment as well as can identify the most appropriate antibiotics by knowing the different methods of bacterial resistance to these antibiotics and thus contributes to preventing the spread of these bacteria and also rationalizing the use of antibiotics.

The unit's equipment:

  • a- Automation organism Identification:        

  • Biomerieux Vitek MS

  • Automation organism Identification & sensitivity detected:            

  • Biomerieux Vitek 2 Compact

  • b- Automation Blood Culture system:              

  • 1-Biomerieux Bact Alert 3D 60     

  • 2- BD Bactet FX 40

  •  Automation organism identifier Using Multiplex PCR:   Biomerieux Bio fire Film Array


Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics unit:

 Chromosomal abnormalities and genetic mutations that characterize different types of cancer are identified and used for diagnosis and to determine the likelihood of response to treatment.

  • The unit's equipment:

  • Fluorescence microscope, Analysis software, Hybridizer

  • Bio-Rad Real Time PCR                                                                 

  • Nucleic Acid extractor

  • Gene expert

  • Gel Documentation

  • Conventional PCR



Flow Cytometry unit:

It uses advanced techniques to diagnose acute and chronic leukemia cases by determining the immunological classification of cells to choose the appropriate treatment protocol according to the diagnosis and follow up the response to treatment.

  • The unit's equipment:

  • BD FACS Canto II

Fourth Residential District, Thebes, City, Luxor, Egypt

+2 01000099320

+2 01096044442

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